
The Rise of Remote Tourism

By March 12, 3304No Comments

One unexpected result from last year’s development of telepresence is the genesis of virtual tourism services, like those offered by the Galactic Travel Agency.

Clients of these services can experience the thrill of Thargoid-hunting, the mysteries of the Guardian ruins, or simply take in the most beautiful destinations around the Milky Way – all from the safety and security of their home system.

The technology is not without detractors, however, as some pundits point to the opportunities telepresence opens up for certain illicit activities. While not advertised in the brochures, some ‘travel agents’ – as the freelance pilots providing these services sometimes call themselves – also offer experiences like smuggling, piracy, and bounty hunting as part of their “tours”.

While it is yet to be determined how the concept of Ride-Along-Crime will be impacted by the new, tougher galactic laws, the many benefits of this technology may, in the long run, bring us all… that much closer together.

For more information on the Galactic Travel Agency visit the public message boards at any local interface.

VIDEO EDITOR: Maximilian Reach; SCRIPT: Michael Darkmoor; FOOTAGE: Maximilian Reach, Diacarb; VOICE: Eid LeWeise; ASSETS: LexMoloch; MUSIC: Jake LaVallee


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