Commanders Ky Vatta, T’kael and Hoodathunk have announced the release version 3.0 of EDDI, the popular underground COVAS extension.
EDDI is a significant and customisable upgrade to your shipboard COVAS personality sim, available at any starport and even out in the black via Subspace Torrented File Upgrade.
CMDR Ky Vatta told Sagittarius Eye:
“We are proud to release EDDI 3.0 and would like to thank our many beta testers. We think that every commander deserves a more comprehensive COVAS, and we’re dedicated to making that happen. I personally would like to thank Commanders T’kael and Hoodathunk for a vast amount of work.”
Commander Ky Vatta claims that version 3.0.1 will enhance the cargo and limpet monitoring and will be fully ready for localization.